Thursday, June 17, 2010


We are writing this short blog to assess whether or not television is an indifferent object.  Many people claim there is control when one watches the Television, but in all truth, is this reality or fiction.  The internet is also extremely dangerous, with millions of pornographic web sites available at the drop of a "search word".  An indifferent object usually cannot pollute your mind with thousands of images flickering in front of your eyes randomly and habitually.  One cannot watch a program without the very important "Advertisements" which are there to seek and allure people into either sensual delights, or uncontrolled buying sprees.  Here are a couple of web sites with very interesting analysis on television.  They are worth perusing just to assess whether or not you should rid your family of this unwholesome means of entertainment.  Please read our article on "Satan, Temptation and Televison", which you can access by looking at our previous blogs to the right of this page, or by scrolling down the page.  Please note:  "We do not agree 100% with everything which is posted on these web sites.  Some of the articles are socialistic and promote socialism, but the statistics are worth viewing as is the reality of Advertising and its effect upon the viewer."

Turn Off Your TV Web Site

Is Your TV Turning you into a Moron Web Site

One must remember these are two secular web sites, and are not necessarily geared toward warding off evil temptations and saving ones soul.  If even the secular public can see this many dangers in the use of the Television, do you think it should be part of YOUR life?  Think again.  The average American family spends 8 hours per day watching Television.  How many hours per day do you spend meditating on the Passion of Jesus Christ, or saying the Daily Rosary (which is really 15 decades), or reading a book on the Lives of the Saints, or improving your souls.  Can you spend 8 hours per day watching Television and honestly say that you don't have time to attend First Friday Devotions, First Saturday Devotions, or Holy Week Services, or if it is available to you, Daily Mass?  Has Jesus become an after-thought in your Daily Life.  If so......"begone Satan....and toss the TV...shut off the internet unless you intend to use it for useful purposes.  What is useful purpose?  Fixing a automobile, finding the best price for a Lawn Mower, hearing the Rosary on Internet Radio, or Catholic Sermons, contacting family members through email, or finding the shortest way to get from point A to point B.  Keep entertainment in YOUR complete control, by accessing DVD if you want to view a Movie.  Keep off of YouTube, as this site is filled with trash, and especially put on parental controls so that your children cannot view the internet, unless you are right there with them.  Even Kim Komando, who is a secular Internet Solutions professional, tells parents to "NEVER ALLOW YOUR CHILDREN TO HAVE THEIR OWN COMPUTER IN THEIR ROOM!"

For those who cannot live without their sports, find a "Good Radio" and listen there.  You might be surprised at how well you can follow a game on Radio as opposed to TV, since the Radio announcer will clue you in on every detail.  Basketball is wonderful on Radio!

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