Monday, February 22, 2010


Levels of Holy Orders: 

Tonsure - Ceremony in which one is received into the clerical state by having the hair shorn on the crown of the head.

Minor Orders:

  1. Porter - The Porter receives the right to guard over the church doors.
  2. Lector - The Lector receives the right to read certain passages of Holy Scripture during Mass.
  3. Exorcist - The Exorcist receives the right to exorcize evil spirits with permission of the Bishop.
  4. Acolyte - The Acolyte receives the right to carry the candles and give the wine and water at Holy Mass.
Major Orders:
  1. Subdiaconate - Gives the right to present the water at a Solemn High Mass, to sing the Epistle, to bring the Sacred vessels to the Altar, to hold the Paten during the Canon; it binds the ordinand to perpetual celibacy and the daily recitation of the Divine Office.
  2. Diaconate - Gives the ordinand, with permission, the right to preach, distribute Holy Communion, and to solemnly baptize, as well as to assist the Priest at Holy Mass.
  3. Priesthood - Imprints an indelible mark upon the soul and gives the power to change bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and to forgive sins in the Sacrament of Penance.  

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