Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Abortion, Catholic Theology, and the Moral Law

The Moral Law can come from God alone. If man had formed the moral law he could change its principles at will. Yet, no human legislation could ever make right out of wrong. If all the legislatures of earth should decree that it were lawful to kill babies that disturbed your nightly slumbers (perverse and selfish life styles), the deed would still be a heinous crime. The death of each innocent babe cries out for vengeance to the heart of each and every subject of that law.

Right and wrong are ideas that come from the Divine Intellect. There are things that are intrinsically right and things that are intrinsically wrong. They are so by nature. God Himself could not change them. For they are by nature immutable (unchangeable). It were absurd to think of changing right into wrong. It were like changing light into darkness. Even the Omnipotent God could not make blasphemy a virtue, nor perjury an honest act.

Our whole life is unreasonable if God has not given us a moral law. Men are impelled by a mysterious force. They are restrained by a force which does not come from their own nature. This is the "Moral Law". It is an eternal and unchangeable Law that comes from God alone. - Taken from: Dogmatic Series by Roderick MacEachen, Priest of Columbus Diocese, Catholic Library, Volume I, Catholic Book Company Publishers, Copyright, 1915.

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